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Making APIs work for you: Creating integrations to enhance user services

Kluck, Chad (2018) Making APIs work for you: Creating integrations to enhance user services. In: Upper Midwest Users Group (UMWUG) 2018, October 17-18, 2018, Coralville, IA.

[thumbnail of Presentation slides] Microsoft PowerPoint (Presentation slides) - Published Version
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APIs add functionality outside Alma and Primo. St. Thomas students and faculty access the university’s portal to see requests, loans, and fines next to university news and events. We’ve integrated with Canvas LMS and plan to develop a chat assistant to search, request, and renew items. All it takes is time to play and a little coding. For beginners to intermediate, we’ll explore Ex Libris’s API Center, generate your first few lines of working code, introduce Postman (a free API tool), and explore GitHub. It CAN be as easy as copy and paste! Also covered: best practices, security, and deployment (AWS).

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Other)
Event Title:Upper Midwest Users Group (UMWUG) 2018
General Topics
ID Code:1785
Deposited By: Al Cornish
Deposited On:10 Jan 2019 19:20
Last Modified:10 Jan 2019 19:20

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