N A A U G   -   North American Aleph Users Group

Home > Activities > Template 2002-2003


NAAUG Enhancement Request Process

2002 - 2003 Template

Format Template

All of the Working Groups should submit their enhancement requests using the following template:

NAAUG Tracking Number: xxx-2002-nnn
(Where xxx is the 3 letter code for the WG and nnn is the priority number the WG wishes to assign to the request)
e.g. ACQ-2002-001.

Descriptive Title:

Concise Description of Functionality Desired:

Concise Rationalization of Request:

Example 1:
Example 2: (if appropriate)
Example 3: (if appropriate)

Home > Activities > Template 2002-2003


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Updated 17 September, 2002

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