N A A U G   -   North American Aleph Users Group

University of Notre Dame, May 31 - June 1, 2000

First annual NAAUG meeting - Agenda

(NOTE: All sessions and meals will be held at the Center for Continuing Education, McKenna Hall, University of Notre Dame.)

Wednesday, May 31, 2000
  • 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. -- Continental Breakfast -- (lobby)

  • 9:00 a.m.-9:15 a.m. -- Welcome/Introduction -- (First Floor Auditorium)
    (Nathan Hatch, Provost and Jennifer Younger, Director of Libraries, University of Notre Dame)

  • 9:15 a.m.-9:45 a.m. -- Introduction to NAAUG and Overview of NAAUG 2000 -- (First Floor Auditorium)
    (Presenter: Laura Sill, Systems Librarian, Library System (ALEPH) Department, University of Notre Dame)

  • 9:45 a.m.-10:15 a.m. -- break -- (lobby)

  • 10:15 a.m.-noon -- Future Directions for Ex Libris -- (First Floor Auditorium)
    (Presenter: Carl Grant, President, Ex Libris (USA) Inc.)

  • Noon-1:30 p.m. -- Lunch -- (Center Dining Area-Lower Level)

  • 1:30 p.m.-2:00 p.m. -- Constitution and Bylaws Presentation -- (First Floor Auditorium)
    (Presenter: Marc Truitt, NAAUG Steering Committee Member and Systems Librarian, University of Notre Dame)

  • 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. -- Constitution and Bylaws Discussion -- (First Floor Auditorium)
    (Facilitator: James Wruck, Assistant Director for Library Systems, retired, University of Notre Dame)

  • 3:00 p.m.-3:30 -- break -- (lobby)

  • 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. -- Application Roundtable Discussions

    This is the first of two Application Roundtable Discussion sessions set aside for open discussion on six broad topics. The second is scheduled for Thursday from 1:00-3:00 p.m. Each topic discussion covers a functional area in Aleph. Separate rooms are set aside for each topic discussion, and registrants are free to attend one or more discussions over the course of the two sessions. Each discussion will be led by at least one facilitator, who will get the discussion rolling, and summarize topics discussed and ideas shared. A recorder will also be present to capture the ideas and questions of the group.

  • Acquisitions -- (Room 200): Lorenzo Zeugner, Head of Acquisitions, University of Notre Dame (facilitator)
    Charlene Billups, Sr. Library Specialist, Acquisitions, University of Notre Dame (recorder)
    Lou Parent, Sr. Library Specialist, Acquisitions, University of Notre Dame (recorder)
    Carla Ross, Sr. Library Specialist, Acquisitions, University of Notre Dame (recorder)

  • Cataloging -- (Room 210-214): Larry Gorman, Cataloging, University of Iowa (facilitator)
    Mary Monson, Head Central Processing Services, University of Iowa (facilitator)
    Wendy Robertson, Serials Bibliographic Processing, University of Iowa (recorder)

  • Circulation -- (Room 202): Sue Dietl, Manager, Access Services, University of Notre Dame (facilitator)
    Margie Fiels, Head, Access Services, Boston College (recorder)

  • OPAC -- (First Floor Auditorium): Alexander Sacha Jerabek, Instructional Technology Librarian, Systems Office, McGill University (facilitator)
    Diane Philip, Library Systems Office, McGill University (recorder)

  • Serials -- (Room 208): Ruth Christ, Serials Cataloging, University of Iowa (facilitator)
    Marjorie Wilhite, Serials Acquisitions, University of Iowa (facilitator)
    Patricia Loghry, Serials Librarian, University of Notre Dame (recorder)

  • Systems Administration -- (Room 206): Donna Hirst, OASIS Project Manager, University of Iowa (facilitator)
    Susan Julich, OASIS Project, University of Iowa (facilitator)
    Phil Andrzejewski, Analyst/Programmer, Library System (ALEPH) Department, University of Notre Dame (recorder)
    (NOTE: NAAUG Steering Committee meets in a closed meeting from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. (Room 108) to prepare the Thursday, 3:15 p.m. presentation on the Constitution and Bylaws.)

  • 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. -- Reception -- (First Floor Lobby)

  • 7:30 p.m. -- Dinner -- (Center Dining Area-Lower Level)

Thursday, June 1, 2000
  • 7:15 a.m.-8:15 a.m. -- Continental Breakfast -- (lobby)

  • 8:15 a.m.-9:45 a.m. -- Development Request Process Panel Presentation -- (First Floor Auditorium)
  • Development Request Process Models: Dan Marmion, Associate Director for Information Systems and Access, University of Notre Dame
  • The International Consortium of Aleph Users (ICAU) and Aleph Development Requests: Naomi Steinberger, Executive Librarian, Jewish Theological Seminary of America
  • The Ex Libris Perspective: Carl Grant, Ex Libris (USA), Inc.
  • The NAAUG Steering Committee Midwinter Report: James Wruck, Assistant Director for Systems, retired, University of Notre Dame
  • 9:45 a.m.-10:00 a.m. -- break -- (lobby)

  • 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. -- Development Request Process Discussion -- (First Floor Auditorium)
    (Facilitator: Caitlin Robinson, NAAUG Steering Committee Member and Technical Services and Automation Librarian, University of Iowa Law Library)

  • 11:30 - 1:00 p.m. -- Lunch -- (Center Dining Area-Lower Level)

  • 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. -- Application Roundtable Discussions

    This is the second of two Application Roundtable Discussion sessions set aside for open discussion on six broad topics. The first is scheduled for Wednesday from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Each topic discussion covers a functional area in Aleph. Separate rooms are set aside for each topic discussion, and registrants are free to attend one or more discussions over the course of the two sessions. Each discussion will be led by at least one facilitator, who will get the discussion rolling, and summarize topics discussed and ideas shared. A recorder will also be present to capture the ideas and questions of the group.

  • Acquisitions -- (Room 200): Lorenzo Zeugner, Head of Acquisitions, University of Notre Dame (facilitator)
    Charlene Billups, Sr. Library Specialist, Acquisitions, University of Notre Dame (recorder)
    Lou Parent, Sr. Library Specialist, Acquisitions, University of Notre Dame (recorder)
    Carla Ross, Sr. Library Specialist, Acquisitions, University of Notre Dame (recorder)

  • Cataloging -- (Room 210-214): Larry Gorman, Cataloging, University of Iowa (facilitator)
    Mary Monson, Head Central Processing Services, University of Iowa (facilitator)
    Wendy Robertson, Serials Bibliographic Processing, University of Iowa (recorder)

  • Circulation -- (Room 202): Sue Dietl, Manager, Access Services, University of Notre Dame (facilitator)
    Margie Fiels, Head, Access Services, Boston College (recorder)

  • OPAC -- (First Floor Auditorium): Alexander Sacha Jerabek, Instructional Technology Librarian, Systems Office, McGill University (facilitator)
    Diane Philip, Library Systems Office, McGill University (recorder)

  • Serials -- (Room 208): Ruth Christ, Serials Cataloging, University of Iowa (facilitator)
    Marjorie Wilhite, Serials Acquisitions, University of Iowa (facilitator)
    Patricia Loghry, Serials Librarian, University of Notre Dame (recorder)

  • Systems Administration -- (Room 206): Donna Hirst, OASIS Project Manager, University of Iowa (facilitator)
    Susan Julich, OASIS Project, University of Iowa (facilitator)
    Jane Jackel, Circulation Supervisor, McGill University (recorder)
    (NOTE: NAAUG Steering Committee meets in a closed meeting from 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. (Room 108) to prepare 4:00 p.m. presentation on the Development Request Process.)

  • 3:00 p.m.-3:15 p.m. -- break -- (lobby)

  • 3:15 p.m.-4:30 p.m. -- NAAUG Steering Committee Report -- (First Floor Auditorium)
  • 3:15 p.m.-3:45 p.m. -- Presentation of Constitution and Bylaws
    (Presenter: Marc Truitt, NAAUG Steering Committee Member and Systems Librarian, University of Notre Dame)

  • 3:45 p.m.-4:00 p.m. -- NAAUG Steering Committee Plan for 2001/2002 Election
    (Presenter: Caitlin Robinson, NAAUG Steering Committee Member and Technical Services and Automation Librarian, University of Iowa Law Library)

  • 4:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. -- NAAUG Steering Committee Plan for Implementing a Development Request Process
    (Presenter: Sharon Rankin, NAAUG Steering Committee Member and Systems and Automation Librarian, McGill University)
  • 4:30 p.m.-4:45 p.m. -- Wrap Up/Adjournment of Conference -- (First Floor Auditorium)
    (Marc Truitt, NAAUG Steering Committee Member and Systems Librarian, University of Notre Dame)

    Version: 02/16/00, Revised: 05/25/00


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Updated 28 November, 2001

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