ELUNA Document Repository

Items where Subject is "Organizational Documents"

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Number of items at this level: 109.


Aitkens, Jane (2011) Jane Aitkens Steering Committee Nomination, 2011. ELUNA Nominating Committee.

Akerman, Laura and Friesen, Betsy and Jones, Allen and Varjabedian, Kathy (2017) SIWG reports. In: ELUNA 2017 Annual Meeting, May 10-12, 2017, Schaumburg, Illinois.

Anonymous, Anon (2005) North American Aleph Users Group (NAAUG) Web site. North American Aleph USer Group.


Badalamenti, Guido (2001) Introducing ICAU. In: North American Aleph Users Group Second Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, June 4-5, 2001, June 4-5, 2001, McGill University, Montreal, QC Canada.

Baksik, Corinna and Van Groll, Stacey Primo Back Office to VE Feature Alignment Project Report. Project Report. None. (Unpublished)

Beezley, Shay (2019) ELUNA 2019 Speaker Orientation. In: ELUNA 2019 Annual Meeting Speaker Orientation, April 3 & 10, 2019.

Brink-Drescher, Judy (2013) Judy Brink-Drescher VPWG 2013 nomination. ELUNA.


Calarco, Pascal V. (2013) Pascal Calarco - Steering Committee Nomination. ELUNA Nominating Commitee.

Calarco, Pascal (2016) ELUNA Steering Committee, Candidates 2016: Statements of interest. In: ELUNA 2016 Annual Meeting, May 1-5, 2016, Oklahoma City, OK USA.

Calarco, Pascal and Betts, Walter (2010) ELUNA 2010 Opening Plenary: Welcome and ELUNA Updates. In: Ex Libris Users of North America (ELUNA) 2010 Annual Meeting, May 10-14, 2010, Fort Worth, TX.

Calarco, Pascal V. (2016) ELUNA Steering Committee Nominations 2016 Requirements. N/A.

Clark, Kirsten (2025) ELUNA Steering Committee February 2025 Meeting Summary. ELUNA Steering Committee.

Cornish, Al (2017) ELUNA 2017 attendees - Directory for members. ELUNA Steering Committee.

Cornish, Al (2017) ELUNA PWG Chairs / SC Bimonthly Conference – March 15, 2017. ELUNA Steering Committee.

Cornish, Al (2018) ELUNA Steering Committee election 2018 - Candidate information and statements. ELUNA Steering Committee.

Cornish, Al (2017) ELUNA Steering Committee, Candidates 2017: Statements of interest. Ex Libris Users of North America. Steering Committee..

Cornish, Al (2018) List of ELUNA 2018 registered attendees. ELUNA Steering Committee.

Cornish, Al (2017) Nominations for the ELUNA Steering Committee 2017. ELUNA Nominations Committee.

Cornish, Al (2017) Nominations for the ELUNA Steering Committee 2018. ELUNA Steering Committee.

Corrado, Edward M. (2013) Edward Corrado - Steering Committee Nomination. ELUNA Nominating Commitee.

Corrado, Edward M. (2012) Draft RUG Map 2011. [Image]


Davis-Millis, Nina and Ruschoff, Carlen (2005) NAAUG 2005 Final Program. In: North American Aleph User Group Sixth Annual Meeting, June 5-7, 2005, University of Maryland, College Park.

Davis-Millis, Nina and Ruschoff, Carlen (2005) NAAUG 2005 detailed participants list. In: North American Aleph User Group Sixth Annual Meeting, June 5-7, 2005, University of Maryland, College Park.

Davis-Millis, Nina and Ruschoff, Carlen (2005) NAAUG/SMUG Workshops for Pre-registrants. In: North American Aleph User Group Sixth Annual Meeting, June 5-7, 2005, University of Maryland, College Park.

Drescher, Judy (2017) ELUNA 2018 sponsorship form. Ex Libris Users of North America.


ELUNA, Secretary (2011) Constitution and Bylaws proposed changes 2011 - rationale. ELUNA Steering Committee.

ELUNA, Secretary (2014) 2014 ELUNA Conference Attendees. ELUNA.

ELUNA, Secretary (2023) ELUNA 2023 Attendee List. In: ELUNA Annual Meeting 2023.

ELUNA, Secretary (2011) ELUNA Constitution and Bylaws. 2011 revision. ELUNA Steering Committee.

ELUNA, Steering Committee (2017) ELUNA Constitution and Bylaws, 2017 revision. Ex Libris Users of North America.

ELUNA, Steering Committee (2017) Proposed Constitution and ByLaws changes for 2017. ELUNA.


Fancher, Lauren (2011) Lauren Fancher Steering Committee Nomination, 2011. ELUNA Nominating Committee.

Farmer, Tracy (2013) Tracy Farmer - Steering Committee Nomination. ELUNA Nominating Commitee.

Flecker, Dale (2003) NAAUG 2003 Business Meeting. In: North American Aleph User Group Fourth Annual Meeting, May 31 - June 2, 2003, Iowa City, Iowa.

Flecker, Dale (2004) NAAUG Steering Committee Report. In: North American Aleph User Group Fifth Annual Meeting, June 13-16, 2004, Massachuesetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.

Flecker, Dale and Gerrity, Bob and Robinson, Caitlan and Truitt, Marc and Meyer, Christina (2001) Nominations for 2001/2002 NAAUG Steering Committee Biographical Statements. In: North American Aleph Users Group Second Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, June 4-5, 2001, June 4-5, 2001, McGill University, Montreal, QC Canada.


Hammerstrand, Kristine (2012) ELUNA 2012 Conference Speaker Agreement. ELUNA. (Unpublished)

Hammerstrand, Kristine (2013) ELUNA Constitution and Bylaws, 2013 revision. ELUNA. (Unpublished)

Hammerstrand, Kristine (2011) Kristine Hammerstrand Steering Committee Nomination, 2011. ELUNA Nominating Committee.

Hammerstrand, Kristine (2013) Registered Attendees of the ELUNA 2013 Annual Meeting. In: ELUNA 2013, April 30 - May 3, 2013, Athens, GA. (Unpublished)

Hartwigsen, Jessica and Lute , Janet (2012) Jessica Hartwigsen Nomination. ELUNA Steering Committee.

Hatch, Patricia (2005) NAAUG Enhancement Activities 2004-2005. In: North American Aleph User Group Sixth Annual Meeting, June 5-7, 2005, University of Maryland, College Park.

Heriot, Josh and ELUNA, Steering Committee (2015) ELUNA Logos (2015 Revision). [Image]

Hirst, Donna (2004) NAAUG 2004 Program. In: North American Aleph User Group Fifth Annual Meeting, June 13-16, 2004, Massachuesetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.


Jones, Julene (2015) Voyager 10 enhancement requests: Second Round. Voyager Product Working Group.

Julich, Sue (2009) ELUNA Steering Committee Travel Documents. ELUNA.

Julich, Sue and Steering Committee, ELUNA (2013) RUG Conference Funding Request Form. ELUNA.

Julich, Sue (2003) Documentation Exchange Contact list. In: North American Aleph User Group Fourth Annual Meeting, May 31 - June 2, 2003, Iowa City, Iowa.

Julich, Sue (2009) ELUNA 2010 Membership Form. ELUNA.

Julich, Sue (2016) ELUNA 2015 financial summary. In: ELUNA 2016 Annual Meeting, May 1-6, 2016, Oklahoma City, OK USA.

Julich, Sue (2017) ELUNA 2016 financial report. In: ELUNA 2017 Annual Meeting, May 10-12, 2017, Schaumburg, Illinois.

Julich, Sue (2010) ELUNA Steering Committee Conflict of Interest Policy. ELUNA Steering Committee. (Unpublished)

Julich, Sue (2014) ELUNA Travel Documents for Non-Steering Committee Members. ELUNA. (Unpublished)

Julich, Sue and Hammerstrand, Kristine (2011) ELUNA Membership Form. Ex Libris Users of North America.


Kaplan, Michael and Woods, Larry and Mendelsson, Dalia (2003) Creating a Successful Enhancement Request. In: North American Aleph User Group Fourth Annual Meeting, May 31 - June 2, 2003, Iowa City, Iowa.

Koennecke, Jesse (2013) Jesse Koennecke - Steering Committee Nomination. ELUNA Nominating Commitee.


Lute , Janet (2010) Constitution and Bylaws changes for voting by ELUNA membership in 2010. ELUNA.

Lute , Janet (2011) Nomination Requirements document for the ELUNA Steering Committee. ELUNA Nominating Committee.

Lute , Janet (2012) Nominations Requirements Document for the ELUNA Steering Committee 2012. ELUNA Steering Committee.

Lute , Janet (2013) Nominations requirements document for the ELUNA Steering Committee 2013. Nominations Committee.

Lute , Janet (2008) ELUNA Newsletter. Ex Libris Users of North America.

Lute , Janet (2010) Moderator Orientation. In: ELUNA 2010, 11-13 May 2010, Fort Worth, Texas.

Lute , Janet and Calarco, Pascal V. (2014) ELUNA Steering Committee Nominations 2014. N/A.


Meyer, Christina (2008) ELUNA Newsletter. Ex Libris Users of North America.

Meyer, Christina (2005) Proposal for the Reorganization of North American User Groups for Ex Libris’ Products. In: North American Aleph User Group Sixth Annual Meeting, June 5-7, 2005, University of Maryland, College Park.

Meyer, Christina (2005) Proposal for the Reorganization of North American User Groups for Ex Libris’ Products. In: North American Aleph User Group Sixth Annual Meeting, June 5-7, 2005, University of Maryland, College Park.

Morse, Laura (2011) Agreement on procedure for additions of resources to the Ex Libris Knowledge Bases. [Artefact]

Morse, Laura (2019) ELUNA 2019 attendee list. Ex Libris Users of North America.

Morse, Laura and Poulter, Dale and Thacker, Curtis and Kristin, Sherrie and Purcell, Sean and Aaron, Amira (2014) ELUNA 2014 Steering Committee Candidate Information. ELUNA.


N/A, N/A (2001) Aleph Version Summary, NAAUG 2001. In: North American Aleph Users Group Second Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, June 4-5, 2001, June 4-5, 2001, McGill University, Montreal, QC Canada.

N/A, N/A (2001) Enhancement Request Process, NAAUG 2000-2001. In: North American Aleph Users Group Second Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, June 4-5, 2001, June 4-5, 2001, McGill University, Montreal, QC Canada.

N/A, N/A (1999) Horizon Users Group. In: North American Aleph User Group First Annual Meeting, Notre Dame, IN May 31-June 1, 2000, May 31-June 1, 2000, Notre Dame, IN.

N/A, N/A (2000) NAAUG 200 Evaluation Form. In: North American Aleph User Group First Annual Meeting, Notre Dame, IN May 31-June 1, 2000, May 31-June 1, 2000, Notre Dame, IN.

N/A, N/A (2000) NAAUG 2000 Meeting Agenda. In: North American Aleph User Group First Annual Meeting, Notre Dame, IN May 31-June 1, 2000, May 31-June 1, 2000, Notre Dame, IN.

N/A, N/A (2001) NAAUG 2001 Enhancement Requests, In Priority Order. In: North American Aleph Users Group Second Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, June 4-5, 2001, June 4-5, 2001, McGill University, Montreal, QC Canada.

N/A, N/A (2001) NAAUG 2001 Meeting Evaluation Form. In: North American Aleph Users Group Second Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, June 4-5, 2001, June 4-5, 2001, McGill University, Montreal, QC Canada.

N/A, N/A (2000) The NAAUG Constitution and Bylaws (Draft) April 3, 2000. In: North American Aleph User Group First Annual Meeting, Notre Dame, IN May 31-June 1, 2000, May 31-June 1, 2000, Notre Dame, IN.

N/A, N/A (2000) NAAUG Development Request Proposals (Draft, 28 May 2000). In: North American Aleph User Group First Annual Meeting, Notre Dame, IN May 31-June 1, 2000, May 31-June 1, 2000, Notre Dame, IN.

N/A, N/A (2000) NAAUG Steering Committee Meeting ALA Midwinter San Antonio, TX January 17, 2000. In: North American Aleph User Group First Annual Meeting, Notre Dame, IN May 31-June 1, 2000, May 31-June 1, 2000, Notre Dame, IN.

N/A, N/A (2001) North American Aleph User Group (NAAUG) 2001 Conference Program. In: North American Aleph Users Group Second Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, June 4-5, 2001, June 4-5, 2001, McGill University, Montreal, QC Canada.

N/A, N/A (2000) Notes from Aleph Working Group Steering Committee Meeting. In: North American Aleph User Group First Annual Meeting, Notre Dame, IN May 31-June 1, 2000, May 31-June 1, 2000, Notre Dame, IN. (Unpublished)

N/A, N/A (2000) Notes, NAAUG Constitution & Bylaws Presentation & Discussion. In: North American Aleph User Group First Annual Meeting, Notre Dame, IN May 31-June 1, 2000, May 31-June 1, 2000, Notre Dame, IN. (Unpublished)

NERS, NERS (2014) 2014 Salesforce enhancement voting results. NERS results.

Nelson, Sharon and Hammerstrand, Kristine (2013) Uploading ELUNA Presentations to the Document Repository. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

North, Michael (2013) Michael North - Steering Committee Nomination. ELUNA Nominating Commitee.

North, Michael and Allen, David (2018) Response to MLA ‘sole use’ of EBSCO EDS for discovery of MLA content. Ex Libris Users of North America.


Poulter, Dale (2013) Dale Poulter - Steering Committee Nomination. ELUNA Nominating Commitee.

Poulter, Dale and Lute , Janet (2012) Dale Poulter nomination. ELUNA Steering Committee.


Remy, Charlie and Perols, Karin (2022) Report on CDI Pain Points. Technical Report. Ex Libris Users of North America (ELUNA).


Secretary, Eluna (2015) ELUNA 2015 Attendee list. In: ELUNA 2015, Minneapolis, Mn. (Submitted)

Shem Tov, Matti and Kende, Jiri and Greer, John and Engelman, Theo and Tabatabai, Habib (2014) Product Development Agreement Between Ex Libris, IGeLU, and ELUNA. ELUNA.

Shem Tov, Matti and Kende, Jiri and Meyer, Christina (2008) Product Development Collaboration Agreement between Ex Libris, IGeLU, and ELUNA. Other. Ex Libris Users of North America.

Steering Committee, ELUNA (2008) ELUNA Constitution and Bylaws, 2008 to 2010 revision. Ex Libris Users of North America.

Steering Committee, ELUNA (2010) ELUNA Constitution and Bylaws, 2010 revision. Ex Libris Users of North America.

Steering Committee, ELUNA (2016) ELUNA Constitution and Bylaws, 2016 revision. ELUNA.

Steering Committee, ELUNA (2021) ELUNA Steering Committee Nomination Requirements- 2021. ELUNA.


Tabatabai, Habib and Lute , Janet (2012) Habib Tabatabai Nomination. ELUNA Steering Committee.

Tabatabai, Habib and ELUNA, Steering Committee and IGELU, Steering Committee (2015) Report on Primo SaaS Jerusalem meeting and Memorandum of Understanding between ELUNA-IGeLU-Ex Libris. Documentation. ELUNA.

Thacker, Curtis (2011) Curtis Thacker Steering Committee Nomination, 2011. ELUNA Nominating Committee.

Thacker, Curtis and Lute , Janet (2012) Curtis Thacker Nomination. ELUNA Steering Committee.

Trotter, R (2011) 2011 Constitution and ByLaw change rational. ELUNA.

Trotter, R (2011) 2011 Proposed Changes to Article VII of the ELUNA ByLaws. ELUNA. (Unpublished)

Trotter, R (2011) Proposed Constitution and ByLaws changes for 2011. ELUNA.

Truitt, Marc (2000) Presentation speech and notes regarding NAAUG Constitution & Bylaws. In: North American Aleph User Group First Annual Meeting, Notre Dame, IN May 31-June 1, 2000, May 31-June 1, 2000, Notre Dame, IN. (Submitted)

Truitt, Marc and Gregory, Joan (2000) Correspondence re: NAAUG Enhancement Development, Marc Truitt and Joan Gregory. In: North American Aleph User Group First Annual Meeting, Notre Dame, IN May 31-June 1, 2000, May 31-June 1, 2000, Notre Dame, IN. (Unpublished)

Tyler, Rebecca (2011) Rebecca Tyler Steering Committee Nomination, 2011. ELUNA Nominating Committee.


Wisner, Melissa and Lute , Janet (2012) Melissa Wisner Nomination. ELUNA Steering Committee.

Woods, Larry (2003) NAAUG 2002-2003 Enhancement Discussion. In: N.

Woods, Larry (2005) NAAUG Business: Forging a New User Group -- SMUG/NAAUG/ICAU Issues. In: North American Aleph User Group, June 5-7, 2005, University of Maryland, College Park.

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 05:00:01 2025 UTC.